Notification of Practice Closure

The practice will be closed on Wednesday 5th June between 12pm and 6pm for STAFF TRAINING.

We will only be able to answer URGENT queries during this time period.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Notification of Practice Closure

We will be closed on Wednesday 5th June from 12pm-6pm for STAFF TRAINING. We will only be answering URGENT queries during this time.

Notification of Practice Closure

We will be closed on Wednesday 5th June from 12pm-6pm for STAFF TRAINING.

We will be providing URGENT medical assistance only during this time.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Notification of Practice Closure

We will be closed on Wednesday 5th June from 12pm-6pm for STAFF TRAINING.

We will only be dealing with URGENT medical matters during this time.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Sharedcare Scotland

Sharedcare Scotland

Our vision is for a Scotland where everyone who receives support or provides unpaid care can live a full and satisfying life, with the assistance they need to take regular, quality breaks from the everyday demands of their caring routines. In Scotland there are over 650,000 people who care for a family member, partner or friend, who may be ill, disabled, or dependent on drugs or alcohol. Short breaks provide a much needed release from the physical and emotional demands of the care.
01383 622462